A couple weeks ago, I was the lucky recipient of a free Eyes of the Dead t-shirt. I was really excited about the shirt’s design and my newfound ability to support the scene through wearing this shirt to concerts — but it didn’t show off enough of my feminine mystique. And by feminine mystique, I mean “back.”
Not wanting to ruin a perfectly good free shirt, I did what any girl would do: I went to the internet. With some help from CraftAwl.com, I was able to transform an awesome shirt into an even more awesome shirt. Here are the step-by-step instructions from the internet, accompanied by pictures of me following them.
Step One: Cut the collar off.
Step Two: Trim the sleeves on a diagonal.
Step Three: Draw several 6-8 inch lines on the back of the shirt. (Trust me, there are lines there.)
Step Four: Cut the shirt in the middle of the back, all the way from top to bottom.
Step Five: Cut along the lines you made.
Step: Six: Pull the tassels to stretch and curl them. (This is important.)

Somewhere I have a vintage beaded anthrax shirt 🙂
Okay, you’re doing the next fashion column! 😛
Yay for having small enough boobs to go braless! 😉