I recently discovered Kosciuszko Park in Stamford. I always knew it was there, but I’d never actually gone in. It’s in what used to be the South End, but now that it’s been rebranded as Harbor Point I figured it was safe for a white lady to walk her friend’s dog there. Kidding… half-kidding.
Located at the intersection of Elmcroft Road and Dyke Lane (right next to Pitney Bows) Kosciuszko Park is named after General Thaddeus Kosciuszko, a bad-ass Polish immigrant who served under General Washington during the Revolutionary War. Thomas Jefferson said of Kosciuszko, “He is as pure a son of liberty as I have ever known.”
The park has magnificent views of Stamford Harbor and a surprising amount of wildlife. As I first entered I saw a woodchuck scurrying back to his labyrinth of holes (by the way, watch your step). Canada geese, Brant geese (my personal favorite), Mallards, bunnies, birds, I even saw a snake!

There’s a hike/bike trail around the perimeter of the park, several smaller trails and benches that provide places to kick back and enjoy the view. One trail leads to a very small beach area, but you shouldn’t swim there. Bring a picnic, there are plenty of tables and grills and even a pavilion (available by permit only.) No alcohol is allowed but consider that a blessing. Cove Island allows alcohol and it’s usually packed to the gills with out-of-state folks looking for a place to get drunk and rowdy. At Kosciuszko you can picnic in peace and no beach sticker is required. There are also baseball fields (available by permit), a playground and seasonal bathrooms.

It’s a hidden gem that may change with the changing demographics (i.e. luxury living folks). But for now you will enjoy the trail views, the lack of proper railings, the wildlife and the salute to history.

Ayeeee get it