Baldwin’s Choice: Kayo Dot

Kayo Dot is more than a little confusing. They’re a group that sounds like you shouldn’t take them seriously, because they’re strange almost to the point of mockery. But beneath the sheer alien nature of whatever genre of music they tackle at any given time, there’s a core of uniqueness that’s unparalleled. In a musical… Continue reading Baldwin’s Choice: Kayo Dot

2014: A Space Odyssey – A Review of Kayo Dot’s Coffins on IO

If I had heard this last year, it would have definitely made my top ten. First of all, just look at that artwork. It’s like the cover to an old school Ray Bradbury or Arthur C. Clarke science fiction novel. It was easily the first thing that drew me into listening to this. And it… Continue reading 2014: A Space Odyssey – A Review of Kayo Dot’s Coffins on IO