The Other “F” Word: The Argument Against Modern Feminism

By Pixie Disclaimer: Please note this says “modern feminism.” I obviously respect the women who fought for the right to vote, work, and do all the things that we women, today, do, without thought. It would be quite the world without them and they did us all a great service. But feminism served its purpose… Continue reading The Other “F” Word: The Argument Against Modern Feminism

From Fake Names on Facebook to Real Names in Public: Alternative Control on What’s in a Name

Juliet told Romeo that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet — but it was ultimately the lovers’ last names that led them to their tragic demise. (Or was it their teenage stupidity?  Social constructs?  Well, whatever…)   In our modern world, names are almost inescapable.  Identity theft lurks in every unshredded piece… Continue reading From Fake Names on Facebook to Real Names in Public: Alternative Control on What’s in a Name

Just Say No to Bad Manners

  “Hell is other people.”  –  Jean-Paul Sartre People can be crass, thoughtless, and tactless.  Perhaps they’re simply unaware of how their comments impact others.  Maybe it’s passive-aggressive hostility, or maybe plain stupidity.  The contributors at Alternative Control are feeling the need to share some of these everyday gems. How do you respond to these… Continue reading Just Say No to Bad Manners

I Like Them Hard and Old (It’s A Book Rant, Stupid!)

So, I’m officially playing the part of a Victorian housewife here, reviewing a set of books that came out at least 140 years ago. I’m also going to play the part of a tunic-wearing Ancient Greek politician, reviewing books that came out when the world was run by inanimate objects personified by other tunic-wearing individuals…with… Continue reading I Like Them Hard and Old (It’s A Book Rant, Stupid!)