By Nicole Monroe
Past Jones Beach, on the less populated, car accessible west end of Fire Island, sits Robert Moses State Park. Every bit as beautiful as Jones Beach, if not more so, Robert Moses boasts 5 miles of soft, sandy beach in which beachgoers can swim, surf, or fish. There is a small playground near the entrance, a typical beach-food shack serving soft pretzels, fries, etc., and a golf course. Although family friendly, not all of the beach is heavily populated with kids – particularly, on the east end. For there, on the east end of Robert Moses, lies a designated “clothing optional” bathing section. It is to this designated section of the beach that my infamous book club traveled to celebrate a member’s birthday and discuss the sexually explicit, yet well-written autobiography, The Sexual Life of Catherine M.
Upon arriving at the beach, we found Michelle’s naked neighbor, Jake, lounging in his beach chair. Sensing the apprehension of some of our more timid members, he got up out of his chair and gave one of them a big naked hug to break the ice. After getting over the initial awkwardness of speaking to a strange naked man who hasn’t bought me a drink, I found Jake and his wife to be really awesome, clearly outgoing people, who travel from Weston, CT to Robert Moses every weekend in the summer to enjoy some naked sunbathing. They kindly invited us to come over during our next book club meeting to hang out in their hot tub – clothing optional, obviously.

Strolling along the nude beach, we met and saw some interesting people with no tan lines. As expected, there were a lot of old men with beer bellies and more hair on their balls than their heads, but there were many young people too. It was actually a pretty “typical” beach atmosphere. There was a young couple canoodling in the surf, a guy chillin’ with his acoustic, people having cookouts, and a guy with a pierced penis playing paddle ball. There were some people who were in some precarious positions, like the woman sitting on her boyfriend’s lap in the shallow water, a girl squatting to pee with friends standing around her (it looked like she was about to about to perform fellatio), and a guy getting a little excited during a back rub. When we saw something interesting, so as to not be rude by pointing, we devised a system: Larry = left, Roger = right, Stan = straight, Barry = behind. “Hey, was that Larry over there?” Was code for, “Look at that dude on the left’s penis!” To be fair, the water was really cold that day, which we took into account.
Often during our strolls, Julie, the birthday girl, would stop to make conversation. When spotting an attractive guy, she asked him how to reach the Fire Island Lighthouse, which can be accessed by the boardwalk from the Field 5 parking lot, or walking to the end of the beach. We plan to visit it next time. Overall, the people were very friendly. They would approach us and make conversation totally uninhibited by their nakedness. You may be embarrassed, but they aren’t.
We only experienced one skeevey moment when a guy came over to invite us to a party there the following weekend. He was nice, although uncomfortably brushed my leg a few times – with his hand (get your mind out of the gutter!). His large, square friend, however, felt the need to keep touching his junk and told my friend she has a nice ass, which was uncomfortable. Aside from that, we had an awesome time. I recommend this beach to any beach lover. Even if you aren’t into baring your body, you can still sit in the “clothing optional” section, or you can sit near the border and enjoy the view. Because there aren’t any kids around, you don’t have to worry about having sand kicked on you by screaming children running by, which is reason enough for me to go back!
For the record, I wasn’t nude. I am of the opinion that for teachers, like politicians, public displays of nudity are unwise.
Walking on the beach, I remembered a poem I once wrote that started, “I love you best when you are naked” about a guy that only talked about himself when he was lying naked. There is something about baring your body that forces you to bare your soul. Sure, there are some people on the nude beach that think they’re hot shit and like showing off their bodies. But, I feel, the reason why most nude beaches are largely inhabited by “old” people, is because they are wise enough to be comfortable with who they are inside and out. Maybe when I’m 80 and retired, I’ll be brave enough to face the world with no clothes on.
been going to Rbt Moses for 12 yrs now. Great people and no nonsense ever happened to me Strangest incident: an inebriated dude came up to me and asked if I was gay. No I replied and he said too bad! Youve got a great ass! Took it as a huge compliment at this stage of the game!:bBlol:
yeah it was all good times, i never had any issues and I went there religiously. I don’t know why we were deprived this year and years to come.
is it still true that the nude section at robert moses is still gone? I was never into the nudity, since i like a tan line, but liked to go there any way!!!!!
My absolute favorite beach. I ve never endured any monkey business any time ive been there. Most people have been respectful of one anothers space. Its the only place being naked has ever made me comfortable. Id be sad to see it go since ive been hearing rumors of this. Say it isnt so! 🙁
Hi. Was searching this Lighthouse beach. I met a wonderful couple at the Lighthouse nude beach they go all the time, regulars.. maybe 2 years ago…an attractive short bob dark hair 50ish woman named Denise and her hot boyfriend (athletic build, bald, about 48 ish named Kenny) I want to email or Facebook them. Anyone who knows how 2 contact Kenny let me know I hear they broke up over a year ago thanks
Hey that’s my neighbor
Hi I’m trying to contact kinky.
im going on thursday for the first time i live in the bx
the beach is the best.the place nice.
Sadly, this post comes across like so many by females about nudist activities. You sound like what would be called a pervert if it were a man making similar comments about females on a nude beach. It sounds like your whole goal was to check out men’s genitals and make disparaging comments about men’s bodies. Pathetic. I assume you are a 13-year-old girl based on this post.
No, I’m not a 13 yr old girl though love juuust LOVE to check out men’s dongs. What’s the matter with scanning over a man’s thingy ding? It’s cute, aaaaah yeah baby!!! just AWESOME to the max!!!
Ummmm, mmmmmm good, DELISH BABY!!! YUMMY YUM!!!!!!☺
i love to go evey day there and i love to meet woman there
Me to XDDDDDDD COme find me i live in the bx!! So close to a nude beach NICE!!!!! EMAIL ME BACK!!
Hi , is it still prohibited? Thank you
So. I was gone end of summer 2016 I moved upstate I’m back now have you heard anything if still closed or is it topless or what. Is going on I remember going years ago it was cool then they change it I want to go back if I can don’t feel driving to nj to a nude beach I did in summer July 2016 it was awesome
I’ll go with you , smiles , let’s get nude
Personally, I am a man who has been going here for years, so sad it is no longer nude. But I loved walking around all day and having many woman check me out, got a thrill out of it and was so much fun!
Cool , I used to go nude there all the time, now there’s a stiff fine ? I like to get naked and let girls who like to , see me nude on beach, but it’s hard to do it now , email me , maybe we could go together to beach this summer ?
Let’s go to field five together , I like to get nude but going alone doesn’t work anymore so go with me , email me ok we can go in summer
Hey cutie, if u really like a men thing, come hook me up
Heading out there tomorrow. Sounds nice.
Nude beaches are so common outside of the U.S. What’s the big deal?
I’ve been photographing the nude female form for decades and it’s truly a thing of beauty. It’s nice to enjoy the same when relaxing at a seaside beach as nice as Moses.
Now I just gotta find someone who won’t mind spraying my back with sunscreen spray 🙂
Hello , I was wondering if you knew about the nude beach at Robert moses beach. I was there today and it didn’t seem like it was allowed for some reason. Thank you for your time…
The big deal at field 6 is that is was a big cruising spot, in the dunes, for gay men. Sex was common
Is firld 5 still a nude beach?cause when i called they said it no longer is.all the posts are old so me and my wife didnt know.also how do we get to the nude part of field 5 if its still allowed.thanks for any information anyone can give
Enter field 5 and go few hundred yards east.
They may not be completely nude but topless with some minimal cover designed for women and men below waist.
My wife and i is looking for a nude beach is this still nude . Please let us know. Sounds exciting.
Hi Steve I just asked same thing I was upstate in 2016 came back a month ago I did go nj nude beach by myself I had no one go w me but it was so cool there I live in coram at time I used to go really early to go nj if you got there to late parking lot is so big
i need to see this on July 9th 2017?, i hope it is great and the day is super! Wonderfully great full of joyful sunshine
Is the nude beach still at Robert moses beach in front of the lighthouse? I was there today and I was not sure if it was prohibited. Thank you . I would appreciate any feedback. …
From what I understand, the beach area was washed away by super storm Sandy and basically no longer exists. There have been issues with public lewdness with legislators trying to ban the nude beach area. It is legal to be nude on federal beaches though most beaches are under state or local jurisdictions.. I live and work about 85-90 miles from there. If I am in the area sometime, I will check it out and let everyone know the status. Hopefully, Sand may have started to come back on its own.
I would like to revisit nude beach on Wednesday, but not sure it’s still nude.. lol.
Anyone know?