Hear ye, hear ye, drinkers rich and poor: on Fridays this summer, Half Full Brewery of Stamford-Shire-Fording-Ham purveys jugs of the finest ale for just a tuppence!
Okay, the announcement is belated, and by tuppence, I mean five dollars. Johnny Pluckman and I have known about this for weeks, but we wanted to keep all the beer for ourselves.
The first visit will cost you $10 because you have to purchase the reusable growler and the beer you put in it, but bring the growler back the following Friday and you get 64 ounces of REALLY good beer for five bucks. That’s less than a six-pack of High Life, folks. 64 ounces. Five bucks. And this half-price special is only going til Labor Day, so get it while it’s hot, er, frosty cold.
Pluckman and I talked with Jordan Giles, who was manning the tasting room on our first night there. Giles explained that Half Full has been distributed to lots of local bars – you’ve probably paid five or six dollars for a pint of their Bright Ale at your neighborhood watering hole – and that the brewery started offering growlers to get beer into the hands of the people, so to speak. The growlers are good for up to three days, so while they’re great to bring to a get-together, they can also live in your fridge for the weekend and still be tasty when you come home on Monday and really need a drink.

The South End brewery also hosts fun events like “Pub Runs” and rare beer sampling nights. Visit their Facebook page and website to find out more – or better yet, stop by and try a couple brews!
Half Full Brewery is located at 43 Homestead Avenue, Stamford, CT. 06902
(203) 658-3631
Wednesday through Friday, 4-7 PM – Growler Fills and Samplings
Saturday 1-5 PM – Tour and Tastings (Tour @ 3:00 PM)
Every Other Friday 5:30-8:30 PM – Open House
This is an excellent and essential public service announcement. From now on I want beer to cost merely a tuppence.
That is awesome! Definitely sharing this with my husband – he would love this for one of his guys nights out (really, anything that includes a growler makes him happy – HA!)
Glad to be of service! 😉
Oooo I need this in my life right nowwww! 🙂
What a fun offering! Great recap and this sounds like an incredible place to go! Thanks for sharing
This is definitely a valuable public service announcement! I hope I’m back while it’s still happening.
Awesome! I love Half Full and have been wanting to check out their brewery, all the more reason to now!