Album Review: Secondborn’s Symbols

Secondborn began as a recording project, then turned into a band that focused solely on putting out a kick-ass record that they could be proud of. Well done, gentlemen, you have achieved your goal.

This is the kind of music that fits your ears like a glove. Well produced, perfectly balanced, multi-layered sounds that go together like peanut butter and jelly. They’re meant to be together, these guys.  Symbols may not be breaking musical ground, but they are riding the pinnacle of their musicianship towards what should be a large slice of the Alternative pie.


The whole album is top notch. There really isn’t one stand out song, they’re all equally executed. The sound is familiar, consistent, energizing and heart-thumping. The vocals and harmonies are empowering, the guitar licks tickle my fancy and the keys fill in the blanks and paint a musical picture full of life.

These guys are good. Ain’t no other way to put it.

Looking at their Instagram and seeing their Facebook page (with close to 20,000 likes!) I can’t help but feel these guys are going to “make it.” Let’s face it, they’ve already made it. This album is “it,” now it’s up to the rest of the world to catch on. It shouldn’t take long.

Take a listen and let us know what you think in the comments!

This post was sponsored by Independent Music Promotions.  All opinions are our own.

1 comment

  1. You really hit the nail on the head guys. Secondborn is a classic waiting to be unveiled by the mainstream music world. They are well on their way. 

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