Tattoos: Men Only! (Nah, Girls Can Read It Too…)

By Christopher Baldwin Ah yes, an article on tattoos. And more specifically, a male’s point-of-view on tattoos, since Rachel already graced us with her article last month on the subject. Not that I would know anything about it. I’ve only wasted an estimated mere $4,000 on the 48 that I have. But I’ve decided to… Continue reading Tattoos: Men Only! (Nah, Girls Can Read It Too…)

You’ll Wish You Were at Their Show: An Interview with Jessica Pimentel of Alekhine’s Gun

Bands can take awhile to pick up steam in the local music community. Months of practice are followed by one shitty show, followed the next month by another shitty show…. Followed by a year of hard work before the band is known by anyone who hasn’t slept with the members. Or if we take Choice… Continue reading You’ll Wish You Were at Their Show: An Interview with Jessica Pimentel of Alekhine’s Gun

August Music Notes

By Jessica May Every so often, it’s time for a random music column. Here goes: New Haven rockers Beijing sent Alternative Control their EP to review — see, Twitter is good for something after all. It’s Not So Simple was recorded this summer, only months after the band formed. To be honest, I’m hooked. “Glitch”… Continue reading August Music Notes

I Met Devin Townsend! OMG!

It was a hot and sultry afternoon when me and six of my pale, mostly alcoholic friends headed to the Glenbrook train station for a rowdy night of heavy metal in the City. Laughs and smiles were abound as three-quarters of Arcane Malevolence and three-quarters of Pink Missile (and Carrie) sacrificed our plans of making… Continue reading I Met Devin Townsend! OMG!

My Name is Vegetarian Metalhead: For We Are Many!

  People often ask me why I’m a vegetarian. It’s as annoying as someone asking a tattoo artist about tattoos while hanging out in a bar. My question is why eat meat? Eating a dead body is…. repulsive. Isn’t it? Typical unsolicited comments I receive are: How do you get protein? But meat tastes so… Continue reading My Name is Vegetarian Metalhead: For We Are Many!

Jucifer: Not Junius, Has Lots of Speakers, and Can Ride a T-Rex

By Jessica May Among my friends, I’m one of the least knowledgeable people about new bands, music trivia, and so forth. (Why do I write these columns again?) So when I saw that Jucifer was coming to the Heirloom Arts Theater in Danbury on July 7th, I was like, “Oh, that band Howl was on… Continue reading Jucifer: Not Junius, Has Lots of Speakers, and Can Ride a T-Rex