Music I Liked in 2020

Certainly there was a lot not to like in 2020…  To avoid making a series of gross understatements, I’ll just leave that there. But along with a very positive development in my family life that should be arriving on The Scene in early 2021, there was a lot of great music that came out in… Continue reading Music I Liked in 2020

Track Premiere: “Seeking My Own Sun” by SVN.SEEKER

It feels good when any band entrusts this humble blog to premiere any track, but to share the FIRST single from the FIRST EP from an up-and-coming band in Alternative Control’s home state… It gives Ye Olde Editor that warm and gushy “heavy metal saved COVID Christmas” feeling. And if one song is going to… Continue reading Track Premiere: “Seeking My Own Sun” by SVN.SEEKER