I guess this year was better than last year, right? Still, keep your masks on….
I’m proud that the blog covered almost 100 bands, all while Ye Olde Editor became a mom, worked full-time, and all that jazz. This is in large part thanks to the hard work of AC’s writers, who were doing the heavy lifting!
You can listen to EVERY. SINGLE. BAND. that was featured on AltCtrl and my other blog, Metalhead Money, on the Spotify playlist below:
Out of all those bands, which articles had the most views? Without further ado, here are our Top Ten Articles of 2021:
10. SPIRAL GRAVE Talks Records, Shows, and More
8. Hanging With The Dungeon Synth Wizard King: An Interview with FRANCIS ROBERTS
7. Album Review: Mære by HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY
6. Curse of the Deceiver: An Interview with Phil Pendergast of KHEMMIS
5. Album Review: 1968’s Salvation If You Need…
4. HI/JACK Streams Their New Single – “Patient Zero (2020)”
3. Delving Into a Dark Light: An Interview with GRAVE GNOSIS
1. On the Front Line: THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, After the Burial, Carnifex, Rivers of Nihil, Undeath @ Irving Plaza

Now about that news for 2022…
When Ye Olde Editor became Ye Olde Mom, her unassigned time predictably declined: from eight non-sleeping and non-working hours a day (sixteen on weekends!) to about an hour and a half between The Babe and Mom’s bedtimes. And with a new Babe on the way in Spring 2022, any hobbies that don’t spark ecstatic bliss are getting the axe!
Spoiler alert, fighting with the communist WordPress post editor after the baby goes to bed does not spark ecstatic bliss.
(And YES, we are having another kid! No, they won’t be Irish twins — but almost!)
Therefore, with the impending further decline of unassigned time, Alternative Control will not be featuring any new content after 2021. The blog will exist on the internet until at least March 2023, because I can’t bring myself to shut off the hosting just yet. I also hope/want to continue writing, but will need an outlet that’s on my own terms rather than something time-sensitive. (Money Hacks For Metalheads: The Parenthood Edition??)
Thanks for coming on this wild ride with us, readers! It’s been a good eleven years of blogging about “Metal… And everything else you need to live.” I’ve met some amazing people through editing this site and could not have maintained it for so long without many talented writers and enthusiastic readers to help keep the fires burning.
Now it’s time to pass the torch.
— Jessie
Featured photo by CottonBro, via Pexels.com.
Still need an underground music blog fix? Check out Happy Hour With Heather and Guest, run by music lovers Heather Lawson and Andrew Davies, and The Metal Mayan, a new blog started by AC staffer Rodey Tsapralis!
Plus, visit Knits and Crits by AltCtrl co-founder Jade Siren, to read up on the adventures of a geeky Pathfinder player who loves to knit!
Our Patreon is paused, but click the button below if you’d like to contribute to 2022 hosting, er, buy us one last coffee!