Explicit Content: A Review of Xiu Xiu’s Girl with Basket of Fruit

It’s a rare thing to come across something completely unfamiliar in modern music. Some would claim that the golden age of musical exploration is behind us — the 60s through the 90s. Every kind of music possible has already been found and done, and now groups are doomed to constantly recycle old styles. Some critics… Continue reading Explicit Content: A Review of Xiu Xiu’s Girl with Basket of Fruit

Baldwin’s Top 20 Albums of 2016

How the hell do I wheedle down a top twenty album list from the surplus of awesome that 2016 offered me? Despite the wild social and political environment that defined 2016, this was a spectacular year for music. Newcomers and veterans alike pulled their best out of the creative ether. Every genre had way too… Continue reading Baldwin’s Top 20 Albums of 2016