OFNR Forever: An Interview with Official FN Radio Founder Bob “Knob” Marino

The local metal scene is full of characters, and Bob Marino of Official FN Radio is definitely one of the protagonists.  He has promoted Connecticut metal bands (and many others) through his online radio station for the past ten years, seeking no tangible benefits beyond the fun he has doing it.  As OFNR’s tenth anniversary… Continue reading OFNR Forever: An Interview with Official FN Radio Founder Bob “Knob” Marino

Squeezing Out the Little Guy: How HR-1733 is Hurting Small Webcasters and What You Can Do to Help

Webcaster Bob "Knob" Marino in his element -- photo by Angela Rose Vartuli.

It doesn’t take a Pulitzer winner to see that media has changed since the advent of the internet. Publication mediums have shifted, advertising has increased on free services, and “click-bait” often rules over well-crafted or thoroughly vetted content.  On the positive side, the internet has allowed media companies to innovate how they deliver content to… Continue reading Squeezing Out the Little Guy: How HR-1733 is Hurting Small Webcasters and What You Can Do to Help

Interview with Bob “Knob” Marino of Official FN Radio

Anyone who follows Connecticut’s local metal scene is familiar with Official FN Radio, a Waterbury-based independent internet radio station run by Bob Marino.  But over the course of eight years, OFNR has become much more than just a website with some tunes.  Marino, better known as “Knob,” has turned the station into a hub of… Continue reading Interview with Bob “Knob” Marino of Official FN Radio


The crowd at Cook's for Kali Ma and Cyperna's joint CD release show, Cook's Cafe 3/29.

  It’s official…. Connecticut’s metal scene has been pronounced dead. D-E-D.  Dead.  And there are two main reasons: bad shows and chicks. These days, it’s practically impossible to find decent original bands.   Any venue that’s willing to take a chance on them is just going to have an empty bar, as Mark Cook learned this… Continue reading THE SCENE IS DEAD!