Riddle me this: fifty some-odd goths and horror punks waiting outside Irving Plaza with not a single clove cigarette between them. This on the night that extreme metallers Cradle of Filth come to New York City on the most recent leg of the “Cryptoriana World Tour,” aptly subtitled “The Second Coming of Vice.” Maybe it… Continue reading On the Front Line: Cradle of Filth and More @ Irving Plaza, NYC
The AltCtrl Spring Sampler is Here!
Did you enjoy Volume Doom? Then you’re in luck, because Alternative Control is going to have new music coming at you every…. Well, we’re not sure about the intervals yet, but check out the AltCtrl Spring Sampler! After seeing the overwhelming positive response to Volume Doom on social media and IRL, and observing how our… Continue reading The AltCtrl Spring Sampler is Here!
Panoramic – A Review of Devin Townsend’s Empath
It’s been almost two years since Devin Townsend released what was to be his last album under the Devin Townsend Project moniker, Transcendence. Although I enjoyed that album a great deal, Mr. Townsend had gotten himself stuck in a formula that he seemed incapable of escaping from. It was most likely due to pressures from… Continue reading Panoramic – A Review of Devin Townsend’s Empath
AltCtrlToob Goes Easter Egg Hunting with Rammstein’s “Deutschland”
I woke up on March 28 to two ugly truths that I seem to have suppressed for some time now. First, going to bed at 2:30AM is not something I can do anymore if I plan on having a productive day. Second, and more importantly, it has been nearly a decade since the release of… Continue reading AltCtrlToob Goes Easter Egg Hunting with Rammstein’s “Deutschland”
Listening Lately: Bethlehem, Rammstein, Saint Ripper, and More
Hi, friends. Today’s column will take a different format from previous Listening Latelys, but you guys can handle it. Last weekend, Owl Maker played a show up in Salem (awesome!) with Dust Prophet, Sisters of Shaddowwe, and Saint Ripper. Let me tell you, they do not fool around in the Salem scene. Every goth young… Continue reading Listening Lately: Bethlehem, Rammstein, Saint Ripper, and More
The blog is excited to have Erik Caplan of Thunderbird Divine show us his patches! The singer, guitarist, and theremin player for this Philly stoner rock outfit has an interesting theme to his current battle vest, and is also leading the way for a new generation of patch enthusiasts. Be sure to catch Thunderbird Divine… Continue reading SHOW ME YOUR PATCHES with ERIK CAPLAN of THUNDERBIRD DIVINE
Exclusive Stream: Prison’s Come, Annihilation
Seattle punk three-piece Prison returns with Come, Annihilation, a heavy, sarcastic six song EP for cynical assholes and longhairs alike. Prison’s brand of hardcore is a sweaty mix of metal and punk informed by Bad Brains, Burning Love, Karp and Melvins, with panicked riffing and tongue-in-cheek lyrics that embrace death’s crushing inevitability. Come, Annihilation is a searing indictment… Continue reading Exclusive Stream: Prison’s Come, Annihilation