Reader’s Choice Review: Mission 0

In a zine that features bands with names like “Murder Castle” and “Barn Burner,” we don’t often get into the electronic pop scene – but thanks to a reader recommendation, we’re taking a listen to New Haven brother-sister duo Mission 0.  Their first full length album, Bruises on the Map, has been called smart, edgy,… Continue reading Reader’s Choice Review: Mission 0

Yellow and Green: A Stale and Diluted Mixture

I’m all for an artist being open to progression. I stand firm to the notion that anyone has the right to pursue their own artistic experimentation, no matter what their followers may say about it. Playing it safe means eventually becoming stagnant and predictable, it’s inevitable. I suppose there are a few who actually enjoy… Continue reading Yellow and Green: A Stale and Diluted Mixture

Brown Bird to Fly into Newtown

By Amanda Bloom Originally published in The Mercurial, 7/30/12. The Edmond Town Hall Theater, on Newtown, Connecticut’s historic Main Street, is well-known for its two dollar movies, the annual Lathrop School of Dance Stardust Review, and it’s Great Depression-era architectural charm. In my youth, I had a floor hockey birthday party in Edmond’s lower level… Continue reading Brown Bird to Fly into Newtown

Bair Grills… Heretic’s Fork by Murder Castle

I was recently tasked with the pleasure of writing up local metal project Murder Castle. Instantly, I imagined an 8-bit NES cartridge, with a cartoon mad scientist cackling wildly, next to a Jessica Rabbit-inspired seductress, holding a dopey sleuth by the tie, with the eponymous estate looming in the background, gloomily lit by a flash… Continue reading Bair Grills… Heretic’s Fork by Murder Castle

CT Metal Scene: Where’s the Brotherhood?

By Agrippa Originally published in Metal Cyndicate and Agrippa: Thought Manifest, 2011. As a long time metal fan and musician I’ve only actually been an active member of the local metal scene in Connecticut as a performer since 2009, when the only way to get Agrippa93 our 1st show was to create it myself. The… Continue reading CT Metal Scene: Where’s the Brotherhood?

Tired Wings, Unflappable: A Pending Invasion from the Big Rotten Apple

Five years ago, Charles Canedo and Luis Cambero were the rhythm section for a promising 6-piece metal project out of Brooklyn. Canedo carried himself with the confidence and presentation of a frontman despite playing bass, crowded alongside two guitarists and a vocalist. Cambero flavored the straight-up thrash with progressive elements and infectious rhythm from behind… Continue reading Tired Wings, Unflappable: A Pending Invasion from the Big Rotten Apple