Trying to decide what life-changing album to write about, it occurred to me that I could never narrow it down to just one. You see, my taste in music has evolved over time (or devolved, depending how you look at it…) so picking just ONE album that changed my life would be nearly impossible.… Continue reading Music That Changed My Life, or “What the Hell is This Article Doing in a Metal Blog?”
Category: Music
Joining the Dark Side: The Story of How I Became a Music Junkie
I distinctly remember the beginning of my musical addiction. It’s one of the clearest memories from my childhood. I can’t recall any other moment being as elemental in the continuing bulimia my wallet suffers to this day. It seems like all my spending money goes to music, and this has been the trend ever since… Continue reading Joining the Dark Side: The Story of How I Became a Music Junkie
doyoulistentogrindcore? A Review
As someone who doesn’t know a goddamn thing about grindcore, I was outside of my element reviewing David Carradine’s latest release. My comrades and I watched Bones on mute while listening to the untitled album, a split CD with Indonesian band Ah-!!!. The sixteen frenzied tracks were a fitting accompaniment to scenes of decaying bodies… Continue reading doyoulistentogrindcore? A Review
Albums that Changed My Life
When asked about the albums that changed my life my head immediately goes to Among the Living by Anthrax. Back in 1987 you couldn’t hear metal on the airwaves or even on MTV unless you were able to stay up past 11:00. My friend Cathy, who had the ability to stay up that late, told… Continue reading Albums that Changed My Life
InComa: England’s Inner Beast
As Peter Terzian wrote in his essay “Nine Lives,” finding new music was much harder before “the internet chang(ed) everything.” Now thanks to these amazing communication capabilities, Alternative Control had the opportunity to interview some metal brothers and sisters from across the pond: UK death metal band InComa. InComa hails from Reading, England, a city… Continue reading InComa: England’s Inner Beast
The Colossal Implications: A Review of Meshuggah’s Koloss
The world of today is filled with many great debates. There’s abortion, gay marriage, gun control, and healthcare to name a few. But all of them pale in comparison to the dispute between the fans and detractors of the metal band Meshuggah. Both extreme sides of the argument hold to their viewpoints and very little… Continue reading The Colossal Implications: A Review of Meshuggah’s Koloss
Kinda Famous Folk Metal Bands with Chicks in Them
I’ll admit it. If there’s a girl in the band, I’m automatically more interested. Yes, I know it’s the twenty-first century, ladies can do stuff now, etcetera, etcetera… And I realize that it’s the hands and the vocal chords making the music, not the genitals. (If you can play guitar with your dick, call me.… Continue reading Kinda Famous Folk Metal Bands with Chicks in Them