The best thing about a hobby in the blogosphere is finding cool new bands — and the worse thing is when you find one that’s great and realize you just missed them when they came to your state! But all is not lost for folks in the Midwest and Mid Atlantic Coast; Almost Honest will be… Continue reading ALMOST HONEST (Doom/Groove, PA) Announces January and February Shows
Category: Music
TYRANT to Headline Saturday 5/16 at NESDF; Prefest Party Lineup Revealed and Weekend Passes on Sale Now
The legions of the dead have risen and it’s too late to pray…. Tyrant is back with a vengeance and headlining Saturday May 16th’s portion of the New England Stoner and Doom Festival! They are the first headliner to be announced for the three-day event, which will be held May 15-17th 2020 at Altone’s Music… Continue reading TYRANT to Headline Saturday 5/16 at NESDF; Prefest Party Lineup Revealed and Weekend Passes on Sale Now
Top Ten Articles of 2019
Is it really almost the end of a decade? When this blog published its first post in September 2010, “The Year Twenty Twenty” was an abstract concept. But here we are in the closing days of 2019…. This year, Alternative Control published 156 posts featuring 170 bands. We interviewed 23 bands and enjoyed 10 Show Me… Continue reading Top Ten Articles of 2019
Nikita’s Best of 2019
By Nikita Alekseyevich Khrenov What a year, what an astounding year. We all have trouble at the end of fall making a list of the albums we really liked, but this year was the biggest challenge of all. It seemed like every single week brought out another 10/10 album of the year contender. I know I’m… Continue reading Nikita’s Best of 2019
Listening Lately: Scissorfight, Year of the Cobra, and More
The Corolla of Doom has been traded in for the Forester of Doom, but the burned CDs will never be replaced. Here’s what I’ve been listening to in my car lately… If House of A Thousand Corpses and Sons of Anarchy got into a scissor fight at a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert, it would sound like… … Continue reading Listening Lately: Scissorfight, Year of the Cobra, and More
Album Review: Planet Chaos by Carcariass
By Nikita Alekseyevich Khrenov There are two trends that I’ve noticed come up this year: bands releasing albums after a long period of silence, and the overwhelming use of space as a lyrical theme. French melodic death metal outfit Carcariass checks off both of these boxes. Back with their first album in a decade, they released… Continue reading Album Review: Planet Chaos by Carcariass
Rodey’s Heavy 20 for 2020
The 2010s were an interesting decade for music with the rise of YouTube sensations, the birth of streaming services, and the resurgence of albums on vinyl. In the metal world, there was also the shifting of subgenre popularity as metalcore evolved into djent, deathcore explored new grounds, and prog-metal was increasingly married to tech-death. Indeed,… Continue reading Rodey’s Heavy 20 for 2020