Interview With Marisol Velasco of The Unintentional Wino

My friend Cie and I went to Marisol Velasco’s home last weekend to take some pictures with her husband Rob, a photographer.  Marisol is a fellow blogger; before we met in real life at ComiCONN, I had often read her posts on The Unintentional Wino.  It was only natural, then, that the afternoon’s conversation turned… Continue reading Interview With Marisol Velasco of The Unintentional Wino

Pluckman’s Thoughts on BabyMetal

So there’s this new thing out there getting a bit of attention called BabyMetal, maybe you’ve heard of it? I’ve seen and experienced a lot of confusion and anger over the whole thing so I decided to investigate and set the record straight.

What’s All This Jazz About?

  I’m here to talk a little bit about jazz music. And why the hell should I be talking about jazz music? I’m not a musician, nor have I received any kind of professional musical training. Sure, I’ve kicked around a few bands as a vocalist and lyricist, but give me a toy piano and… Continue reading What’s All This Jazz About?

Mortal Combat!!! Death Metal Dave vs. Peter Progger, Part I

  We’re here to discuss a very hot topic between two very passionate individuals. I’ve managed to gather Alternative Control columnists Death Metal Dave and Peter Progger together for a musical debate. The burning question: What metal subgenre is superior, death metal or progressive metal? It’s (for some reason) a matter of utmost importance for… Continue reading Mortal Combat!!! Death Metal Dave vs. Peter Progger, Part I